Remove mould and mildew from bathrooms, kitchens and showers with our range of Mould & Mildew removers. Wipe away mould and mildew with these mould cleaners, which clean the toughest mould and black mildew stains whilst killing bacteria. Mould is unsightly and certainly does not create the right impression with guests, so make sure this unsightly problem is eliminated and choose a commercial cleaning product from Accommodation Supplies range of mould & mildew cleaners. Try our best selling Dettol Mould & Mildew Remover.
Remove Mould & Mildew In Washrooms With A Commercial Cleaning Product
At Accommodation Supplies the complete solution to washroom cleaning is available to buy online. Our range of toilet & washroom cleaning products includes everything you need to clean toilets as well as washroom surfaces. For help with any aspect of cleaning: advise on cleaning product selection, help with MSDS and to speak to our cleaning experts call 01626 830 900. Specialising in wholesale cleaning supplies and cleaning products our range of inventory and cleaning is all available to buy online 24/7.